
Thousands more kids leaving school without GCSE grades ‘new norm’

Analysis shows 3.3 per cent of pupils received no grade in English in 2023, compared with 1.7 per cent...

Samantha Booth
Samantha Booth

GCSE disadvantage gap widens again

Gap in attainment between poorer pupils and better-off peers widest since 2011

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Sunak to replace A-levels with ‘Advanced British standard’

PM wants to merge A-levels and T-levels into new single qualification for sixth formers to study five subjects including...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Ofsted switches back to exam results ‘as a starting point’

2022-23 results data will be used to inform inspection in the 'normal way'

Amy Walker
Amy Walker

EBacc: DfE plans league table shake-up to ‘incentivise’ take-up

Government to 'explore making changes to the headline EBacc attainment measure'

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Jo Saxton to step down as Ofqual chief

She will become chief executive of UCAS in January

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Educate parents about progress 8 to narrow attainment gap

Study finds parents do not consistently apply to their 'most effective' school

John Dickens
John Dickens

Language hubs: 19 schools named in first round of £15m reboot

Expansion of pilot programme will include a £400k scheme to boost take-up of German

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

OCR admits controversial GCSE computer science paper was ‘more difficult’

But top results remained higher than pre-Covid levels after grade boundaries were lowered

Amy Walker
Amy Walker