Dodd Partners
Concerning analysis reveals most vulnerable pupils miss up to 4.4 more days of school than their peers
Spending watchdog finds 'limited evidence' of how well almost half of funding to narrow attainment gap is used
Former ed sec tells Covid inquiry he did not have 'complete autonomy' over closure decisions, and claims his advice...
Evaluation also finds pupils eligible for free school meals made even more progress from national roll-out of intervention
Government tells selective schools to 'challenge themselves to do more' as proportion of poorer pupils rises by just 0.7%
How teaching's graduate status is being eroded
More than 3.2 million working days were missed due to illness last year
Move allows schools to adapt resources and share outside their organisation, but U-turn on geo-restriction plans
Most MAT chiefs are lucky if they get to open one free school in their lifetime. Wesley Davies has...