Careers Education

Oli de Botton, The Careers & Enterprise Company

After putting oracy at the heart of a counter-cultural school that has helped shape Labour’s election offer, 
Oli de...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill
Sponsored post

Why a focus on careers education is more important than ever

By Paul Matthias, National Director of Hays Education

Hays Education
Hays Education

DfE to toughen up Baker Clause and extend careers requirement to year 7s

Schools will face “tougher formal action” if they don’t comply with a requirement to allow other providers access to...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

School 21 founder to lead Careers and Enterprise Company

The founder and headteacher of School 21 in east London is the new chief executive of the Careers and...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker