
Storytelling becomes a core skill

A Wellingborough primary is one of the first to be awarded accreditation as a storytelling school.

In an attempt to increase progress in writing, Warwick Primary vice-principals Sandra Appleby and Claire Head did storytelling training at The Storytelling School in Oxford last year.

All teaching staff were then trained on how to deliver the storytelling curriculum to build the students’ vocabulary, literacy and confidence.

It has been used throughout the past academic year and has had an immediate impact on pupils’ creative development. Literacy standards have also risen with all Year 6 pupils meeting or exceeding their projected progress in writing.

Lizzie Rowe, deputy chief executive of The Education Fellowship which sponsors the school, said: “The simple joy and magic of storytelling is seen as a crucial part of an all-round education.

“Here it’s used as a core skill for learning, encouraging pupils to be language rich and better writers, and develops skills and confidence in speaking and performing.”

Main pic: Pupils at Warwick Primary celebrate becoming a “Storytelling” school with-vice principal Sandra Appleby


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One comment

  1. I think this sounds great! I wonder if you have also considered using drama as a teaching tool alongside
    this? Many schools I have worked with have found it has a real impact across the curriculum on spoken and written language as well as social and emotional health.