
KS2 grammar test published online in second exam breach

Today’s key stage 2 English test has been leaked online, adding to the chaos surrounding standardised testing in England after...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

A quarter of year 6 pupils are stressed about SATs

Twenty-seven per cent of children are “stressed” about their SATs, but only 10 per cent “hate” the tests, reveals a survey of year 6 pupils...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

How academy conversion affects primary schools’ performance

Sponsor-led primary academies improve substantially after conversion, but there is no evidence that converter academies get any better, reveals...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

Children ‘strike’ all over England to boycott SATs

Children all over England are being kept off school today, in protest at “a school system that places more importance on test...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

Why effective heads don’t need to have been teachers

Too many headteachers are nearing retirement with too few to take their place. But there are plenty of highly...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

Heads must decide on May 3 ‘protest’ absences

Headteachers must decide whether they will record pupil absences related to parent protests over this summer’s SATs as authorised or not. A petition...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

£2m announced for research into marking strategies

Schools and academy trusts have been encouraged to apply for funding to run trials into effective marking strategies, as the...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

‘Inexpensive’ phonics trial improves disadvantaged pupils’ literacy

An “inexpensive” trial policy improved all pupils’ literacy in the early years and had long-term effects on children who...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

What is teaching for mastery in maths?

I was very interested to read the item in last week’s Schools Week that suggested pupils in one primary school were...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter