
Dan Thomas, chief executive, TLP

Dan Thomas, now chief executive of The Learning Partnership trust, was once prompted by a fortune cookie to ‘take...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill

A journey from California’s Death Row to school governance

From California’s Death Row to school governance, the Confederation of School Trusts’ Samira Sadeghi explains how the roles are...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill
Artificial Intelligence

AI cheating: just how much is going on in schools?

An explosion in AI ‘study aids’ has armed pupils with the means to cheat their way through assignments. But...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill

Always talking up maths, in a country that talks it down

David Thomas was one of the youngest heads in the country. He’s set up a national online academy and...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill
Teacher training

Teacher training guru Lynne McKenna, University of Sunderland

Lynne McKenna, Dean of Education and Society at the University of Sunderland, has a formidable work ethic. She “easily”...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill
Hospital schools

Hospital schools: on the mental health crisis frontline

Taxis pull up throughout the day outside the brightly painted Magpie Centre to drop off its growing cohort of...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill

Schools install toilet sensors that ‘actively listen’ to pupils

Concerns sensors 'violate kids' privacy' as teachers install tech to crack down on vaping and bullying

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill
AI in schools

AI marking: the answer to poor recruitment or ‘pure snake oil’?

Bot exam markers, robot tutors and AI-written reports are all now being used in schools as they look to...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill

Nicole McCartney, Creative Education Trust

Nicole McCartney is a rare species: someone with lived experience of being permanently excluded from school who has gone...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill