Art and design* A-level results for the UK in 2017, compared with previous years

Art and design* A-level results for the UK in 2017, compared with previous years: cumulative

Percentage of pupils who achieved (at least) each grade

*These titles cover a range of related subjects



Green: Higher than previous year

Orange: Same as previous year

Red: Lower than previous year


Here’s where to find all our 2017 A-level subject tables 

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  1. Y Morrison

    As teachers, we are TOTALLY at the mercy of government policy. Last year, we took a huge hit. Moderator gushed over the high standard of our students and one in particular who took 3 Art and Design disciplines. Said student was working beyond A level, which they were, then results come out and guess what, no A stars when we CLEARLY had an exceptional student. Government didn’t want this year’s results to look bad so they reduced the grades last year dramatically so it looks as if their policy of Reform looks like students are achieving highly and their Policy worked. There’ll be a big dip next year and another tranche of teachers and students bewildered and disappointed and when these are inner-London comp kids,they desperately need the grades they’ve worked hard for for a leg up in life. We also have to justify the vagaries of these results to our senior management which when performance related pay is in the mix is infuriating. We are extremely competent professionals who know exactly how to apply assessment criteria accurately and rigorously. Our ability to mark correctly is certain. Why can’t the Govt just accept that there are some exceptional year groups and allow students to attain the grades they deserve year on year? I’m beyond fed up with this data. Now just waiting to see the mess they make of next week’s GCSE results.
    Angry from Tunbridge Wells