Barnsley College
Think tank says teacher pay rise bill will eclipse Labour's £2.3bn funding boost - leaving schools facing more cuts
Recent cuts to NPQ funding, as reported by Schools Week, mean 14,000 schools previously eligible for scholarships now face...
Schools Week's explainer on the extra funding available to trusts, what it is for and how much is available
Investigation into extra cash available to trusts finds half not open to applications, and one has no public presence...
Making savings from falling rolls will be 'easier said than done', warns think tank
Report also calls for extension of pupil premium funding and reinstated cash for tutoring
Education secretary says it will be 'difficult' for government to raid its own budget again, but says she will...
Academy body calls for SEND cash through the national funding formula, a policy premium and new private finance building...
It has prompted fresh calls for a system of auto-enrolment for free school meals