Dodd Partners
Here are the trends in English Literature GCSE results for 2022
Here are the trends in English Literature A-level results for 2022
Here are the trends in the latest English Literature GCSE results for summer 2021. The proportion of grade 9...
Here are the trends in the latest English GCSE results for summer 2021. The proportion of grade 9 results...
Here are the trends in English literature A-level for 2021. The proportion of A* grades increased by almost a...
Exam boards should ensure “at least a quarter of authors” in GCSE English literature specifications are from ethnic minority...
We must stop rating reading skills on a bell curve – it lets us leave struggling pupils behind, says...
Forget the pap: kids should have access to good quality books to get them to read, says Katie Ashford....
Kids should be exposed to all kinds of books (and that includes Mills & Boon), says Joy Ballard. As...