Dodd Partners
Coroner warns some primaries are not providing swimming lessons despite it being curriculum requirement
Private equity-owned independent special schools which charge councils fees of up to £131,000 a year are among hundreds that...
EPI report sets out 7 policy recommendations to tackle special needs 'postcode lottery'
Polls suggest parents favour the proposed Ofsted model to the old one, while teachers and leaders oppose it
Schools would need to get written permission for any change of building - including any 'wholly or mainly' enclosed...
'Significantly strengthened' accountability will also 'raise the bar on what we expect from schools', Phillipson to say
Opposition has been critical of proposed power for the education secretary to direct academies to fulfil their duties
REAch2 dipped into its reserves after racking up an in-year deficit of just over £2.1 million and £481,000 in...
MAT at centre of first 'GAG pooling' strikes will transfer schools to other trusts