Leadership Skills Foundation
Spending watchdog finds 'limited evidence' of how well almost half of funding to narrow attainment gap is used
Calls for further action as The Children's Society survey shows rising uniform costs and branded items still rife
Labour leader promises long-term missions would end 'sticking-plaster politics', but union says more cash needed too
Despite pandemic surge in free school meals rates, grammars given expansion cash have fallen further behind
MPs are investigating why Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children have the worst exclusion and attainment rates
The school leaders’ union wants wide-ranging reforms, warning studies suggest rich-poor attainment gap ‘may never close’.
A group of leading academy trust bosses have set out proposals for a £5.8 billion Covid recovery plan, as...
Changes to next year’s exams cannot compensate for pupils’ divided experiences during the pandemic, the government has said, even...
The Education Policy Institute has published its annual report, which has found that the attainment gap between poorer pupils...