
Norfolk council rakes in £500,000 from academy conversion fees

Schools in Norfolk have paid more than £500,000 in “conversion costs” to their local authority to become academies, Schools...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

Should maintained schools convert to academies?

Question: Will all schools still have to become academies eventually? And if so, what should maintained schools be doing...

Christine Bayliss
Christine Bayliss

What happens to our existing governing body if we join an existing multi-academy trust?

Question: What happens to our existing governing body if we join an existing multi-academy trust? Christine says: That’s a...

Christine Bayliss
Christine Bayliss
News, Opinion

What Is An Academy? (And other questions about converting schools)

The government has announced it wants all schools to become academies by 2022. But what are they? Editor Laura...

Nick Linford
Nick Linford